The Society has objected to Application number: PP/19/02264 to change the use of part of shop to residential use, erection of extensions at lower ground, ground, first and second floors, erection of mansard roof storey addition, provision of roof terrace, and associated works, including shop front alterations.
The Chelsea Society endorses all the detailed objections set out in the correspondence from the residents of 16 Milner Street and from the Milner Street Residents Association (MISARA). The
application is inaccurate and deficient. It contravenes a number of the Council’s policies, and the bulk and obtrusiveness of what is proposed is wholly unacceptable. It would also be hugely damaging to the amenity and well-being of the neighbouring properties, particularly No 16. The house at 24 Halsey Street, to which the proposed extension would attach, is a listed building.
The Council should reject this application and make clear that any changes to it would need to be substantial and far-reaching to have any chance of success.