Make your voice heard on crime, antisocial behaviour and policing in your neighbourhood by attending the next Safer Neighbourhood Board on Monday 9th February – 6pm to 8pm at
Kensington Town Hall – Committee Room 1.
Introduced by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC), the Safer Neighbourhood Board was set up in 2014 by RBKC and the police to give local people and victims of crime a greater voice in establishing local policing and crime priorities, as well as monitoring police performance and confidence.
The board includes local people, Councillors, The Borough Commander and representatives such as Victim Support, Neighbourhood Watch, RBKC officers, Independent Custody Visiting Panel and the Stop and Search Monitoring Group.
The goal is to achieve an even safer and more peaceful community within Chelsea and Kensington.
Local people and Residents Association representatives are encouraged to come to the meeting, to ask questions and share views on policing. The board is interested in our concerns about crime and other forms of antisocial behaviour.
Please email Olivia for more information or to share your experiences as a local resident. Register for the next meeting by visiting the site.