I attended a meeting of the RBKC Planning Committee on 14th June when they considered an application for the redevelopment of the site between Draycott Avenue, Denyer Street, and Mossop Street.
Members of the Committee commented on the mass of the proposed buildings, and questioned whether they would fit in with the character of the surrounding buildings. As there is already an extant planning permission for the site it would have been useful to have slides showing a comparison of the mass and appearance of the permitted and proposed schemes.
It was questioned whether an acceptable traffic management plan could be made in view of the huge amounts of materials to be moved in this congested urban area. There was also a question about the car parking spaces to be provided, and whether this was consistent with the London plan.
The Committee granted permission by a majority vote. The Committee was informed that the new school, to replace the now demolished Marlborough School, would not be ready before the end of 2017 and that the proposed development could not start until then.
Michael Stephen
Planning Committee Chairman