Martin Vander Weyer will speak to The Chelsea Society at 6-8pm on Monday 1st July 2024 at Chelsea Old Town Hall on “A Spectator Columnist’s life”
Martin Vander Weyer left a high-flying City career in his mid-thirties to fulfil his true ambition of writing for The Spectator — the oldest weekly magazine in the English language and the stable that nurtured politicians such as Nigel Lawson and Boris Johnson and journalistic provocateurs from Bernard Levin to Rod Liddle. Appointed by Boris as the magazine’s business editor in 2005, Martin continues to offer a weekly mixture of City comment, views of the global business scene — and restaurant tips from wherever he happens to be.
Now in his 33rd year on the magazine, he has worked for five editors and alongside contributors ranging from the cookery writer Jennifer Paterson (of Two Fat Ladies television fame) to Taki, the Greek purveyor of ‘High Life’ gossip. Fresh from a week’s Champagne tour with Spectator readers, Martin will be well primed to tell us about A Spectator Columnist’s Life.
Tickets £25 (to include a glass of wine) available from the Box Office of the Cadogan Hall, 3 Sloane Terrace, London, SW1X 9DQ in person, or by phone 0207-730-4500 (booking not available online). NB. The meeting is at Chelsea Old Town Hall, not at the Cadogan Hall.
Chelsea Society events are for our members, but members may also bring guests for whom they take responsibility. When booking tickets members should use only the name in which they are known to the Society (if in doubt please check with the Secretary).