“A taste of Garzon Wines from Uruguay”
Ranked 6th Winery in the World, Garzon have recreated Tuscany in Uruguay, and will be bringing their finest wines for us to taste, at 6-8pm on Monday 20th May at Chelsea Old Town Hall
Tickets £25 (to include a glass of wine) available from the Box Office of the Cadogan Hall, 3 Sloane Terrace, London, SW1X 9DQ in person, or by phone 0207-730-4500 (booking not available online). NB. The meeting is at Chelsea Old Town Hall, not at the Cadogan Hall.
Chelsea Society events are for our members, but members may also bring guests for whom they take responsibility. When booking tickets members should use only the name in which they are known to the Society (if in doubt please check with the Secretary).