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Annual Reports index
Published 11/06/2019

The Chelsea Society has published an annual report every year since it was formed in 1927. This is a treasure-trove of information about Chelsea, …

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Chairman’s Report 2018
Published 28/11/2018

Madam Mayor of Kensington and Chelsea, Vice-Presidents, Member of Parliament, Members of the Council, Members of the Society, Chairmen of other amenity societies and …

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2019 Meeting with Residents’ Associations
Published 31/10/2018

The Planning Committee of The Chelsea Society met with the Residents’ Associations of Chelsea to discuss matters of common interest on Monday 14th October …

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Dr. James Thompson 2016 –
Published 27/10/2018

The Council of The Chelsea Society elected Dr. James Thompson to be its twelfth Chairman, as from 21st November 2016. Dr. Thompson is an …

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Damian Greenish 2012-2016

Damian Greenish was the eleventh chairman of the Society, from 1st April 2012 until 21st November 2016 Sarah Farrugia, former Vice-Chairman, pays her own …

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Stuart Corbyn 2009-2011

Stuart Corbyn was invited by David Le Lay to join the Council of the Society in 1993, and was Chairman from 2009 to 2011.  …

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David le Lay 1987-2009

David le Lay was the ninth Chairman of the Society and served from 1987 to 2009 , becoming a Vice-President in 2010. His love …

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Lesley Lewis 1980-1987

Lesley Lewis (née Lawrence) joined The Chelsea Society as a life member in 1966, became Chairman in 1980, retired in 1987, then served as …

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Quentin Morgan Edwards 1975-1980

Quentin Morgan Edwards was chairman from 1975-1980, and died in September 2012 Quentin, took over as Chairman from Noel Blakiston when the Chelsea Society was …

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Noel Blakiston 1966-1975

Noel Blakiston O.B.E.  became Chairman of the Chelsea Society in 1966 and held the office for nine years. He died in 1984, and the following …

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