Registered charity 276264

Planning & Environment

Published 14/09/2019

This building was built by Harrods as their car showroom, but due to the First World War it was never finished. Planning permission was …

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Draycott Avenue
Published 06/08/2019

We have received an update from the developer of the old John Lewis Clearings site on Draycott Avenue, which received planning permission for development …

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Telephone kiosks as advertising hoardings
Published 29/07/2019

The Chelsea Society opposes advertising hoardings masquerading as telephone kiosks, and applications are scrutinised by the member of the Society’s Planning Committee for the …

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The Old Police Station, Lucan Place
Published 04/07/2019

Planning Application PP/18/03491 was refused in September 2018 See We have met with the developers of this site several times, and one of the issues …

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Permitted Development Rights
Published 02/06/2019

The Government has changed the permitted development rights through The Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development, Advertisement and Compensation Amendments) (England) Regulations 2019, which …

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New Conservation Area

RBKC is proposing to designate the William Sutton Estate and the Samuel Lewis Estate, both in Chelsea as a new “Chelsea Estates Conservation Area.” …

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18 Milner Street
Published 07/05/2019

The Society has objected to Application number: PP/19/02264 to change the use of part of shop to residential use, erection of extensions at lower …

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A new school in Mallord St?
Published 01/05/2019

The Chelsea Society has objected to a proposal to convert the old telephone exchange in Mallord Street into a school for more than 400 …

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Buses – our objections succeed!
Published 11/04/2019

  On 12th April 2019 Transport for London announced their decision on Routes 11, 19, and 22  “We have looked at these concerns [expressed by …

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Pre-application Advice
Published 09/04/2019

The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee of RBKC, Cllr. Malcolm Spalding, called a meeting on 8th April 2019 to examine whether changes need to …

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