I am forwarding an email with details of a public meeting being held by the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) next Tuesday 12th January and details of the LFEPA 2016/17 budget consultation which includes proposals for the removal of the second fire tender (and therefore its crew) from Chelsea Fire Station.
The Council successfully fought to retain the second tender during the last round of cuts in 2013 when Knightsbridge Fire Station was closed, so it is incredibly disappointing to find that this proposal is back on the table. I wrote to LFEPA last year to place our objection on record when this was first mooted. Now that this is formally out to consultation we will lodge a further objection.
Please can you let your residents and associations know about the public meeting. I have already indicated to the Borough Commander that I think Wandsworth is too far away and this is at too short notice, but I am told that the public consultation meeting was set centrally as one of four London area meetings and will be attended by the Chairman of the LFEPA, the Fire Commissioner and Deputy and our Borough Commander.
Public meeting Tuesday 12th January from 7pm at
Open Door Community Centre
Keevil Drive
Beaumont Road
SW19 6TF
The consultation runs to 1st February and the second poster gives a link to this and how to object and there are also more details in the email from Rob Davies, the Borough Commander, below including how to get a hard copy of the consultation.
Regards Joanna
Cllr Gardner
Cabinet for Community Safety, IT and Corporate Services