Letter to Planning & Development Dept.,
29th December 2016
Dear Mr Du Plessis
Application 2016/05302/VAR (CHELSEA ISLAND)
I am writing to Object on behalf of the Chelsea Society to this application to amend the approval given by LBHF in July 2013.
It would set an unacceptable precedent at this late stage, when the three cores of this development are already well advanced, for your Council to approve this amendment which is designed to increase the height of Core C by 12.5%, adding further mass to the continuous wall of excessively tall blocks following the curve of Chelsea Harbour Drive to Lots Road, and adding materially to the oppressive canyon-like streetscape being created. This will have a direct impact on the amenity of Lots Village Conservation Area and any material change of this sort to the Full Planning Permission granted 3.5 years ago should be resisted.
Because it appears that all new traffic generated by this development will enter and exit the site when occupied through the two arms of Lots Road some of the CIL to be paid by the developers should accrue to RBKC to alleviate pressure on the road network.
Because there were to be no on-site affordable units under the Full Panning Permission of 2013 and an additional three private apartments are now proposed for the ninth floor of Core C it would surely be equitable and consistent with the London Plan for three units of essential affordable housing/key worker housing to be located on the site (if not in fact on the top floor of Core C) as a quid pro quo if LBHF is, despite the above objections, minded to grant approval for three extra apartments.
Yours sincerely
Martyn Baker
Member for Chelsea Riverside
Planning Committee,
The Chelsea Society
PS I am bound to observe that to seek public responses to this application in the run up to Christmas and the New Year seems the best way of ensuring the maximum prospect of receiving the minimum level of responses by 1st January 2017! By coincidence notification of the original application for this site was sent out in December 2012
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