Registered charity 276264

Events for 2017

We have so far arranged the following events  for 2017, which will be the 90th Anniversary of the Society.  Please put them in your diary, and book early.

The Cadogan Hall have kindly agreed to act as our box office, so you can book by phone on 0207-730-4500, or by sending a cheque payable to Cadogan Hall, at Sloane Terrace, London SW1X 9DQ, or by visiting their Box Office in person.  Normal Box Office hours are Mon-Sat 10-6.

The events will all be held on Mondays at 6.30 pm at Chelsea Old Town Hall (except where another day, time, or venue is mentioned), and details are on the Events section of the Society’s website

  • Monday 30th January – A lecture and musical evening inspired by Peter Warlock a British composer and quintessential man of Chelsea. £10 inc wine for CS members and/or Warlock Socy. members.
  • Saturday 11th February – Backstage visit to the Royal Court Theatre, Sloane Square at 11am (limited to 15 people). The cost of the visit will be £16 (including light refreshments).
  • Become a Chelsea artist! 6.30 pm on Wednesdays 15th and 22nd February, and 8th and 15th March, to sketch a live model with help from members, at the London Sketch Club 7 Dilke St., Chelsea – one of the last working art studios in Chelsea. The cost of the four evenings, including wine and supper is £20 each or £70 for all four.
  • Thursday 16th February Guided Walkabout in the City of London. Meet at Liverpool Street Station at 11 am. £20.  Numbers limited to 12.
  • Friday 24th February – dinner at the London Sketch Club, 7 Dilke St., Chelsea, at 7 pm. £35. Numbers limited to 50.
  • Monday 27th February – Andrew Ginger talks about his new book on Cecil Beaton – one of twentieth-century Britain’s Renaissance Men: photographer, costume designer, set-designer, playwright, creator of fashion fabrics, and writer on raffiné interiors and the personalities who inhabited them. He also happened to be a fine interior decorator. £10 inc. wine
  • Monday 20th March – Peter York (co-author of “The Official Sloane Ranger Handbook” interviews Andreas von Einsiedel on his Photographic record of Chelsea. £10 inc. wine
  • Monday 10th April – a discussion with Mr. Graham Stallwood, Executive Director of Planning and Borough Development of RBKC, and Cllr. Tim Coleridge, Cabinet-member for Planning Policy and Arts. They will explain the role of the professional planners and the elected Councillors in planning the Chelsea of the future, and the development-control process. Admission free.
  • Monday 22nd May – a discussion with Cllr. Warwick Lightfoot, Cabinet-member for Finance and Strategy at RBKC, who will explain how the Council collects, spends, and invests our money. Admission free.
  • Summer Meeting. Date and venue to be announced
  • Monday 25th September – the Chelsea Society meets with the Residents’ Associations of Chelsea. This is a popular annual event, and was attended by more than 100 people in 2016. Admission free.
  • Monday 23rd October – Autumn Event – details to be announced.
  • Monday 30th October – Autumn Event – details to be announced.
  • Monday 20th November – Annual General Meeting at 6.30 pm in the Great Hall at Chelsea Old Town Hall.  Admission free.

We are also planning two special 90th anniversary events – about which more later in the year.

In order to reduce expenditure of the Society’s funds, we will be giving notice of events by e-mail and on the website, and will send paper notices only to members for whom we do not have an e-mail address.  The Annual Report and the Newsletters will continue to be sent to all members by post.

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Registered Charity 276264. © 2025 The Chelsea Society. All rights reserved.