Registered charity 276264

ING Bank’s Art Collection

Event date | Sep 11, 2018

Members of The Chelsea Society enjoyed a private view of ING Bank’s art collection on 11th September 2018. Most of the works came from Britain’s oldest bank, Barings, which ING famously bought for £1 in 1995 after it was ruined by a rogue trader.

Alex Baring, by Sir Thomas Lawrence

Barings played a leading role in the development of the British and international financial world from the 1760s until the late 20th century. The works reflect the character and history of Barings bank including stately 18th and 19th century portraits of the Baring family who sought out the leading artists of the day such as Sir Thomas Lawrence, Benjamin West and  John Linnell. It also includes 20th century works by artists such as Stanley Spencer, John and Paul Nash, L.S. Lowry, John Minton and Keith Vaughan and fine watercolours by Samuel Palmer, Edward Lear, Francis Towne, and Peter de Wint.

Falls of Lodore, by Francis Towne


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