Registered charity 276264

Natural History Museum

On 16th May The Chelsea Society was represented by its Chairman and Vice-chairman at the Annual Trustees’ Dinner.



The museum is an institution of international importance, not just in its role as an exhibition space, but for the scientific work which goes on behind the scenes.  They are for example extracting DNA from people who died more than 10,000 years ago and learning much about the lives of our distant ancestors.  The museum’s own collection provides a huge source of material for research on animals and plants.

An Iguanodon who died 122 million years ago. Found on the Isle of Wight in 1914


The coming years will see the Museum further digitising their collection – making more of their 80 million specimens freely available online for research and engagement. They will also be undertaking a transformation of their five-acre grounds to champion and help protect urban biodiversity across the UK and connect visitors with living nature.

According to the Director of the Museum, Sir Michael Dixon “Harnessing the power of our collections, our public platform and our world-renowned scientific expertise, we look forward to inspiring millions of people to discover, understand and care about our planet – past, present and future. The work of the Museum has never been more important, so I hope that you will feel inspired to continue your support.”

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