Registered charity 276264

New Conservation Area

RBKC is proposing to designate the William Sutton Estate and the Samuel Lewis Estate, both in Chelsea as a new “Chelsea Estates Conservation Area.”

The Chelsea Society supports this proposal.

A conservation area designation introduces additional protections and controls over the way owners or those occupying homes can alter and develop their properties. These protections extend to non-owning developers seeking to apply for the development of land in a conservation area.
5.5. These include (but are not limited to):
 Control over the demolition of unlisted buildings.
 New development will be assessed against local heritage policies in the Council’s Local Plan (see Policy CL3 in particular).
 Fewer types of advertisements, which can be displayed with deemed consent.
 Control over works to trees.
 The requirement in legislation and national planning policies to preserve and/or enhance the character or appearance of the conservation area.
 Fewer Permitted Development Rights (these allow certain changes to be made without the need for planning permission).
5.6. If a designation is confirmed, future development proposals will be subject to the requirement in legislation to preserve and/or enhance the character of appearance
of the conservation area. Where future proposals lead to harm to the conservation area, the appropriate policy test set out at paragraphs 195-196 of the NPPF will
apply. These tests are expanded upon and transposed in the Council’s Local Plan
at Policy CL3.

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