Registered charity 276264

Objection to basement development application PP/15/06440 – Dilke Street, Chelsea

The objection below is from the Planning Committee of the Chelsea Society to RBKC:

The member of the Chelsea Society’s Planning Committee for Royal Hospital Ward, Mr. Chris Lenon, has been in touch with the local Residents Association and other local residents in the vicinity of this application. They are very concerned and object to this application very strongly. We agree with them that something of this size will cause huge disruption, noise and dust to a quiet residential area.

The large development at the National Army Museum is ongoing but was supported by the residents as a local and national asset and the applicant has been in close supportive contact with local people. There are other developments at 49, 33 Tite St and a basement has been agreed at 49 Tite St so the area is already saturated with enormous and long term developments which makes it impossible to have a further realistic CTMP in this area of narrow streets and a very confined site for demolition and rebuild. TiteSt has already been picked as a route for all these other sites there is no capacity for more use. It is also the only route from the Embankment into Chelsea for passing traffic.

The buildings will be in Flood Risk Zone 3, so the subterranean spaces are likely to be inappropriate for living space.

The development will risk the integrity of surrounding buildings which are close by. On the Embankment are 3 very fine listed buildings designed by E.W. Godwin (1833–1886) and also the Sketch Club building which seems to now show considerable damage on the front facade which may well be related to the works done to no 7, the other next door house before basements were limited to one storey. Demolition may cause damage to them or hasten the collapse of the Sketch Club building next door to the proposed development. This institution is one of the oldest and most important arts clubs in London. It may have to suspend its own activities if this development proceeds.

The Sketch Club is a local community facility as local residents can join its art classes in the day and also hire it at low cost for community events such as Residents Association meetings. The Club lets the studio out for weddings, parties and meals. They also rent out offices. They and local people will suffer considerable loss of amenity and revenue if this lengthy and disruptive development goes ahead.

I urge you to refuse this application which is unacceptable in all particulars

Yours sincerely,

Michael Stephen

Chairman of the Planning Committee

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