Registered charity 276264

Permitted Development Rights

The Government has changed the permitted development rights through The Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development, Advertisement and Compensation Amendments) (England) Regulations 2019, which came into effect on 25 May.

The link to the Regulations is

The changes to permitted development rights include:

  • Regulation 4: increased dimensions for extensions to houses to 6 metres or 8 metres for detached houses – but this does not apply in conservation areas.
  • Regulation 5: increased height of electrical columns for charging electric vehicles (but not for those within the curtilage of houses or blocks of flats)
  • Regulation 6: right to change shops, banks, building societies, estate agents, hot-food takeaways, betting shops, payday loan shops or launderettes to offices (but launderettes in conservation areas are exempted)
  • Regulation 7: right to change hot-food takeaways to housing

For many of these a prior approval application will be required, which will enable the Council to consider such matters as the impact of the change on the viability and vitality of the shopping centre. This will be particularly relevant  for smaller centres, and, in the case of launderettes, the value of the facility to the local community.  Also, the Council can make an Article 4  Direction to disapply these permitted development rights.

  • Regulation 16: removes permission to install, alter or replace a public call box by, or on behalf of telecommunications operator
  • Regulation 17: removes deemed consent to display an advertisement on the glazed surface of a telephone kiosk

New telephone kiosks with a volume of more than 2.5cubic metres will not have permitted development rights, and will be subject to local planning policies.  Any advertisements will also be subject to advertisement consent.

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