Registered charity 276264

Planning & Environment

The Chelsea Society has a long history of involvement with architecture, land use and infrastructural planning locally and plays a key role in the decision making process.

The Constitution of the Society requires it to preserve and improve the amenities of Chelsea by:-

  • stimulating interest in the history, character and traditions of Chelsea;
  • encouraging good architecture, town planning and civic design, the planting and care of trees, and the conservation and proper maintenance of open spaces;
  • seeking the abatement of nuisances;
  • making representations to the proper authorities on these subjects.

The Chelsea Society exists because its members have for nearly 90 years years loved Chelsea for its character, its style, and its charm, and wish to maintain those characteristics for themselves and future generations. We recognise of course that change is inevitable but the Society will seek to influence change so that it does not impact adversely on those characteristics. The Society will therefore encourage the design of new and altered buildings so that their size, proportions, architectural style and setting are compatible with the characteristics of Chelsea.

Where changes of use are proposed, the Society will seek to maintain the balance which has been achieved in Chelsea between residential accommodation for people of all income-groups, shops, offices, restaurants, schools, hospitals, open spaces, and other uses.

The Society values the relationship it has established over many years with the Councillors and Officers of the Royal Borough, and the Committee will seek to maintain and enhance that relationship, and with the Mayor of London. The Committee will nevertheless engage in constructive opposition to the policies and actions of the Borough Council and the Mayor whenever necessary.  The Society is always willing to engage with architects, planning consultants, and their clients, and we find that if engagement takes place at an early stage the result is more likely to be beneficial both for Chelsea and the developer.

The Society is not a Residents’ Association nor a Trade Association but it recognises the valuable contribution made by the many Associations in Chelsea in relation to their immediate locality and their particular interests. The Planning Committee envisages a relationship of mutual support between the Society and the relevant Associations whenever possible.

The Committee will also work with similar societies in Greater London and nationally in appropriate cases.


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Registered Charity 276264. © 2025 The Chelsea Society. All rights reserved.