Registered charity 276264

The Queen’s Head, Tryon Street

Event date | Nov 08, 2017


The Vice-chairman, Michael Stephen, and the Planning Committee member for Royal Hospital Ward, Jules Turner, met with the owner on site on 24th November 2022.

The building work has now been completed and all the flats have been let.

The ground and first floor are currently empty until a suitable tenant is found to run the pub/restaurant

We are pleased with the work done on the pub and the adjacent house on Tryon St.

We reminded the owner of our original consultations with him before the work started, when we said that we are keen to retain the Victorian character of the pub inside and out.  We have suggested that he have a look at the Victorian splendour of the Cadogan Arms.

We particularly mentioned the exterior lights and door handles which have been put on to the refurbished Queen’s Head.  These are modern, and we would prefer to see Victorian brass lamps and handles.
We also asked him to put back the hanging pub sign with a portrait of Queen Victoria, and to restore the signage on the fascia on both frontages, in the original font.

Looking at the photo of the pub as it was, We think it would also be good to restore the gold lining of the panels and at the top of the

We look forward to the pub/restaurant opening as soon as a suitable tenant is found, and would be happy to participate in a reopening ceremony.

The member of the Society’s Planning Committee for Royal Hospital Ward (Jules Turner) visited the Queen’s Head pub  on 29th January 2020 to see how the development was progressing.
The owner took this meeting seriously, and the owner, together with his architect, contractor, and site manager all attended to show him the  site. (hard helmets, hi viz jackets and boots all put on to enter the big hole in the ground supported by much  steelwork)
They discussed the project in detail, including how it affects the neighbours, and traffic management issues.  Jules was  impressed by the project itself and  their willingness to engage  with the Society and to deal with any concerns we may have.

The Chairman of the Society’s Planning Committee, Michael Stephen, and the Member for Royal Hospital Ward, Chris Lenon,  met the owner and his architect at the Queen’s Head on 7th May 2019 to review progress.

The scaffolding is now in place and stripping-out has begun. The owner expects the work to take 67 weeks.  We have emphasised the importance of retaining the period detail of the pub, and of the terraced house next door in Tryon Street.


The Society supported an application to RBKC to designate the pub as an “Asset of Community Value” (which restricts the permitted development rights which the owner would otherwise have), and it was listed for 5 years on 10th November 2016. The pub has served the local community well, and the Planning Inspector agreed in 2012 that it was highly valued by the local community.

On 13 January 2019 Sir Paul Lever objected as follows on behalf of The Chelsea Society to an application (ACV/18/08144) to remove part of the building from designation as an Asset of Community Value.

The Society objected on 10th January 2019 to  the proposed Construction Traffic Management Plan, because “it would involve massive disruption and inconvenience to local residents, danger to cyclists using Tryon Street and a significant increase in traffic congestion and the associated dangers of pollution.  The loss of five residents’ parking places, together with, on 25 occasions, the further loss of four public parking bays and the closure of Tryon Street is excessive and unacceptable. Moreover the use of Markham Street by construction traffic exiting the site would be a nightmare. Markham Street cannot even accommodate two cars abreast: allowing lorries to go down it would be a recipe for chaos. Traffic would be stacked up with idling engines for long periods.

The Council should not have granted planning permission for this development without at the same time requiring an acceptable construction traffic management plan. It should now, at a minimum, limit the number of lost residents’ parking bays to three, with a contraction in the length of the loading area; insist that the crane, if one is really required, is situated on the loading area itself; require exiting construction traffic to proceed down Cale Street to Sydney Street; and devise some means to protect cyclists using Tryon Street.”


After helping to save the Queen’s Head from being totally converted to residential in 2012, the Society was disappointed when the pub closed its doors after 175 years, on 7th September 2016. However, all is not lost, and it may reopen in the not too distant future.The Chairman of the Planning Committee and the Committee member for Royal Hospital Ward were consulted on 13th March 2018 by the owner, Mr. David Baroukh.  He confirmed that his plans are in progress to re-open the pub as a traditional Chelsea pub with a small restaurant, and we discussed a number of changes which he wishes to make.  We  asked for further details, and reiterated the importance of retaining the 19th century panelling and bar fittings.

Under s. 15(1) of the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017 the Government has changed the permitted development regulations with regard public houses. As from 23 May 2017 planning permission will be required for a pub (a class A4 use) to be used as a shop (a Class A1 use), an estate agent or other financial or professional use (a Class  A2 use) or as a restaurant/cafe (a Class A3 use.)


Tryon Street frontage

On 30th September 2016 Michael Stephen, Chris Lenon, and Michael Bach, met with representatives of the owner, Mr. David Baroukh, who explained his proposals to reduce the ground floor space of the pub and to bring the basement into use for a kitchen and restaurant.  The upper floors, (with an additional storey on the main building) and the adjoining accommodation in Tryon St. and Elystan Place would be converted to residential, and the Society will be consulted on the external appearance.


Elystan Place frontage

The Society reserved its position, and wishes to see the proposed layout of the ground floor and basement, as it is important that enough space (including space for storage) would remain for a viable pub on this site in the heart of Chelsea.  We would also wish RBKC to obtain evidence from expert consultants as to economic viability, and we would need to be satisfied that the necessary works would be done, and that a lease of the pub would be granted on suitable terms.  We would not wish to see the Victorian pub fittings removed or damaged.

We need to be satisfied that this is not the first step in a scheme to turn the whole building into residential accommodation.

On 18th November Michael Stephen and Chris Lenon met the owner at the premises and he explained in more detail his ideas for the property.  We went into the basement and noted that the ceiling-height was adequate for a restaurant and that there would be enough space for a kitchen, a store-room, and toilets. There is a disused 19th century kitchen range which would be restored and preserved as a feature in the restaurant.

On the ground floor, the area would be reduced by converting the southern part on the Tryon Street frontage into a house, but increased by extending it into open space on the north side. In view of the fact that the basement is being brought into use as a restaurant, and that the serving area of the bar will be reduced to make a more efficient use of space, the public area of the premises will actually increase. However we await the floor plans showing the areas concerned.

The owner sees the future of the pub as a traditional Chelsea pub.  There is some good Victorian panelling around the walls and around the bar, and we requested that this be carefully dismantled and re-used.  As this pub is in close proximity to flats and houses we would object to music and voice amplified through loudspeakers.  There would be no objection to a traditional pub piano.

On the Tryon Street frontage, the house to be converted from part of the bar area would have the same external appearance as the existing terrace of houses.


Tryon Street frontage

We stressed the importance of exactly matching the existing houses in detail, so that it would not be apparent that it was a new structure.  The existing brickwork should be carefully dismantled and re-used without cleaning.

A Planning Application was submitted to RBKC on 19th December 2016, which includes an interesting Heritage Assessment of the pub and its locality.

Planning permission was granted on 27th February 2017 subject to a s.106 Agreement

[last updated 26.4.19]

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