Tite Street
As members will know, St. Wilfrid’s Care Home closed some time ago, and the site will be sold and redeveloped.
This will be a hugely important development, on which The Chelsea Society will focus its attention at each stage and make its own representations to Councillors and
Planning Officers. We will also meet with the buyers when we know who they are.
The existing building is very undistinguished, and we are in principle willing to accept redevelopment. We would also be willing in principle to accept the use of part of the site
for private houses/flats. However, we consider that the key points are:
• Height no greater than the existing building.
• No loss of the existing green space, and open views across the site
• No obstruction of light to the listed artists’ studio windows on the West side of Tite Street.
• Use of part of the site for another care home. (We think RBKC should use it to make the provision which they have
so far failed to make following the closure of Thamesbrook).
• Design of the new buildings must be compatible with the existing buildings in Tite Street, many of which are listed. We do not want an ultra-modern building in this Conservation Area.