Registered charity 276264


Event date | Apr 21, 2020

This meeting has been postponed to a date to be fixed.

Members of The Chelsea Society will have a private accompanied tour of the Club  at 15 Garrick Street, London, WC2E 9BA (near Leicester Sq station)

Named after the great eighteenth century actor, David Garrick, the Club was founded in 1831 by a group of literary gentlemen under the patronage of the Duke of Sussex as a haven for discourse between artists and patrons. Many of the nation’s art lovers and personalities were members of the Garrick, including Rossetti, Trollope, JM Barrie, Thackeray and Dickens. Infamously the Club was the scene of a very public quarrel between these latter two literary giants. It houses the largest and most significant collection of British theatrical works of art and has over 1,000 paintings, drawings and pieces of sculpture on display. Artists represented include Zoffany, Lawrence and Millais. Portraits of every British actor of note from David Garrick to John Gielgud can be found on the Club walls.

The accompanied visit will include the main rooms of the Club where important highlights of the collection will be shown and discussed.

This event is for Chelsea Society members and their guests only:  Tickets £18 including coffee.  Gentlemen are required to wear jackets and ties. Ladies must be similarly attired (trousers permitted). No denim, trainers or gym shoes are allowed. Photography is not permitted, and mobile telephones must be switched off or set to silent.

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