Registered charity 276264
One of the Society’s most distinguished members, Sir John Nott, died on 6th November 2024, at the age of 92. An obituary will appear …
The Council of The Chelsea Society elected Dr. James Thompson to be its twelfth Chairman, as from 21st November 2016. Dr. Thompson is an …
Damian Greenish was the eleventh chairman of the Society, from 1st April 2012 until 21st November 2016 Sarah Farrugia, former Vice-Chairman, pays her own …
Stuart Corbyn was invited by David Le Lay to join the Council of the Society in 1993, and was Chairman from 2009 to 2011. …
David le Lay was the ninth Chairman of the Society and served from 1987 to 2009 , becoming a Vice-President in 2010. His love …
Lesley Lewis (née Lawrence) joined The Chelsea Society as a life member in 1966, became Chairman in 1980, retired in 1987, then served as …
Quentin Morgan Edwards was chairman from 1975-1980, and died in September 2012 Quentin, took over as Chairman from Noel Blakiston when the Chelsea Society was …
Noel Blakiston O.B.E. became Chairman of the Chelsea Society in 1966 and held the office for nine years. He died in 1984, and the following …
Grandson of Richard Durnford, Bishop of Chichester, and nephew of Sir. Walter Durnford. Born 25th October 1891, died 7th February 1967. He joined the …