Registered charity 276264

Planning & Environment

Published 16/03/2017

The Planning Application (PP/17/00583) to redevelop this site was granted on 20th April 2017 by 8 votes to 5 The Chelsea Society’s position is …

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Business Rates
Published 20/02/2017

The Chancellor of the Exchequer has received the following letter from the Chairman of the Chelsea Society, which was copied to Rt. Hon. Sayid Javid MP, …

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Cavaye House, Fulham Road
Published 18/02/2017

The Member of the Society’s Planning Committee for Stanley Ward, Patrick Baty, wrote to RBKC as follows on 9th February 2017 : 158-168 Fulham …

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1A Walton St – Refusal of Basement application
Published 12/02/2017

The planning application  for a large basement under the old courthouse/old school at 1A Walton Street has been refused. The member of the Society’s Planning Committee …

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2017 Meeting with Chelsea Residents’ Associations (and the new Deputy Leaders of RBKC)
Published 07/01/2017

MEETING WITH RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATIONS On 25th September 2017 the Society held its annual meeting with the Residents’ Associations of Chelsea. This was a very …

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Discussion Meeting on Planning

On 10th April 2017 Mr. Graham Stallwood, Executive Director of Planning and Borough Development of RBKC, and Cllr. Tim Coleridge, Cabinet-member for Planning Policy …

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Air Pollution

  Registered Charity 276264 Founded in 1927 to preserve and improve the amenities of Chelsea for the public benefit.   AIR QUALITY Poor air-quality …

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“Chelsea Island” development
Published 30/12/2016

Letter to Planning & Development Dept., LBHF 29th December 2016 Dear Mr Du Plessis Application 2016/05302/VAR (CHELSEA ISLAND) I am writing to Object on …

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Published 17/12/2016

It is unlawful for owners to let out their homes in London without planning permission on short-term lets for an aggregate of more than 90 …

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Local Plan – Partial Review
Published 12/12/2016

The Chelsea Society has submitted its comments on the Review TCS Comments on Partial Review 10.12.16

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