The Council of The Chelsea Society has elected Dr. James Thompson to be its new Chairman, following the retirement of Mr. Damian Greenish. The ......
On 1st February 2016 our Honorary Vice-President David Le Lay presented a lecture entitled “Five Things Whistler Did for Artists”. Whistler was not just ......
The Annual meeting between The Chelsea Society and the Chelsea Residents’ Associations, under the auspices of the Planning Committee of the Society, was held ......
Le Colombier is a well-established and high-quality restaurant at 145 Dovehouse St. near Chelsea Square, and is popular with local residents. However, the restaurant ......
The Committee comprises: Chairman: Michael Stephen – Barrister and former Member of Parliament, who came to live in Chelsea in 1977 Brompton-Hans Ward: ......
We have received the following invitation from TfL. If you have any views on this which you would like the Chelsea Society to give ......
MacDonalds have applied for a Certificate of Lawful Development, as they wish to open all night. The Member of The Chelsea Society’s Planning Committee ......
Download a copy of the latest newsletter here –Newsletter No:45 July 2017 You can catch up on any editions you may have missed, by visiting ......
Visit to the Faringdon Collection, 28 Brompton Square, London SW3 on Monday 31st October at 3.00pm or 4.00pm The Faringdon Collection, which can be ......
For well over a hundred years Chelsea has provided homes and studios and social life for some of the world’s greatest artists, including Turner, ......