Lady Kenya Eleanor Tatton-Brown, née Kitchener, was a member of The Chelsea Society, who has died on 21st May 2022. Born in 1923, the ......
Photos taken in the week ended 28.5.22 ...
On 22nd June 2022 Members and guests of The Chelsea Society enjoyed a private visit to The Reform Club. ......
Following pressure from The Chelsea Society, with help from Greg Hands MP and GLA Member Tony Devenish, the escalator was brought back into use ......
Waterstones Bookshop, Kings Road, Tuesday 31st May 2022 at 5.50 for 6pm Andrew Roberts will be interviewed by Michael Stephen, Vice-chairman of the Chelsea ......
Dovehouse Green is being maintained and improved, with the support of The Chelsea Society. On 4th May 2022 RBKC advised: The lifting and relaying ......
Colebrook Court – Sloane Avenue The Chelsea Society has submitted the following objection to Planning Application PP/22/01540: “The Chelsea Society exists to protect the ......
There will be a concert in memory of Chelsea Society member John Rendall, who died this year. The concert will be at The Chelsea ......
We are pleased to see that the setting of the cabmens’ shelter at Albert Bridge has been tidied up, and some planting has been ......