As advised by the Government, the Society has decided to postpone all meetings scheduled to take place before the end of May. See...
Cadogan Gardens 7.3.20...
SAVE THE ROYAL BROMPTON! We have heard that the Hospital may be moving south of the river, and we are campaigning to keep it ......
The Chairman of the Society’s Planning Committee, and the members of the Committee for Stanley Ward (L) and Royal Hospital Ward (R) visited the ......
The Sloane-Stanley Estate, who own the freehold of the old telephone exchange, invited the Chairman of the Society’s Planning Committee, and the Committee member ......
The Chairman of the Society’s Planning Committee and several members of the Society attended a briefing on 6th February on plans for the external ......
After continuous pressure, from The Chelsea Society, the Cheyne Walk Trust, Martyn Baker, and others, a Key Decision has been made by the RBKC ......
RBKC are holding the first meeting of the Chelsea Forum for residents of Chelsea Riverside, Royal Hospital and Stanley wards to discuss and ......
The Chairman of the Society, together with the Chairman of the Planning Committee and two members of the Committee have met with the Proposers ......
The gas men are putting a robot inside the gas main in Sloane Street to seal the joints. Better than digging up the whole ......