The Chelsea Society and very many local people objected to this planning application, but two Chelsea members of the RBKC Planning Applications Committee abstained, ......
The benches on the Embankment are an important part of Chelsea’s riverside heritage but they were in an appalling state. If woodwork ......
The Chelsea Society welcomes Ben Coleman MP as the new Member of Parliament for Chelsea. He has accepted his appointment as an ex-officio Vice-President ......
The Chairman of the Society has written to thank Greg Hands for his service to Chelsea whilst its MP, and for all the help ......
The Chelsea Society was represented by its Chairman and Vice-chairman at the Founder’s Day parade at the Royal Hospital on 6th June 2024. The ......
There is a proposal to build a 34-storey skyscraper at the south end of Battersea Bridge. This is what it would look like (with ......
Here is the bronze sculpture of Oscar Wilde by Sir Eduardo Paolozzi, which the church have allowed to be sited on Dovehouse Green, subject ......
By kind permission of Auriens, our Summer Party this year was held at 6-8pm in their delightful garden at 2 Dovehouse Street, Chelsea. Nearly ......
Ian is a member of the Council of The Chelsea Society, and a former RBKC Councillor...
Robert Hardman met with The Chelsea Society on Monday 4th November. 6-8pm at Chelsea Old Town Hall He is a renowned writer and broadcaster, ......