We have received an update from the developer of the old John Lewis Clearings site on Draycott Avenue, which received planning permission for development ......
On the hottest day ever recorded in England, which happened to coincide with the election of the new Prime Minister; the first ever ......
The Chelsea Society opposes advertising hoardings masquerading as telephone kiosks, and applications are scrutinised by the member of the Society’s Planning Committee for the ......
On the hottest day ever recorded in England, which happened to coincide with the election of the new Prime Minister; the first ever ......
The Chelsea Society was invited by Cllr. Alison Jackson, a well-known photographer, to participate in a photographic competition which she had organised. The Society ......
Planning Application PP/18/03491 was refused in September 2018...
The Chelsea Society has published an annual report every year since it was formed in 1927. This is a treasure-trove of information about Chelsea, ......
“On 5 June the Chairman (seen here with staff members) visited the Chelsea Physic Garden for a reception which launched their efforts to raise ......
The Government has changed the permitted development rights through The Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development, Advertisement and Compensation Amendments) (England) Regulations...
RBKC is proposing to designate the William Sutton Estate and the Samuel Lewis Estate, both in Chelsea as a new “Chelsea Estates Conservation Area.” ......