Chelsea Concert Series in 2019 Chelsea is home to many treasures more renowned around the world than in Chelsea itself. One such is the ......
OBJECTIONS There are five principal reasons for Objecting to this latest application covering Buildings G & H. First there is an excessive increase ......
The Planning Committee of The Chelsea Society met with the Residents’ Associations of Chelsea to discuss matters of common interest on Monday 14th October ......
The Chelsea Society was privileged to make a private visit to the Central Criminal Court of England & Wales on 20th March 2019, as ......
The Council of The Chelsea Society elected Dr. James Thompson to be its twelfth Chairman, as from 21st November 2016. Dr. Thompson is an ......
Damian Greenish was the eleventh chairman of the Society, from 1st April 2012 until 21st November 2016 Sarah Farrugia, former Vice-Chairman, pays her own ......
Stuart Corbyn was invited by David Le Lay to join the Council of the Society in 1993, and was Chairman from 2009 to 2011. ......
David le Lay was the ninth Chairman of the Society and served from 1987 to 2009 , becoming a Vice-President in 2010. His love ......
Lesley Lewis (née Lawrence) joined The Chelsea Society as a life member in 1966, became Chairman in 1980, retired in 1987, then served as ......
Quentin Morgan Edwards was chairman from 1975-1980, and died in September 2012 Quentin, took over as Chairman from Noel Blakiston when the Chelsea Society was ......