The Chancellor of the Exchequer has received the following letter from the Chairman of the Chelsea Society, which was copied to Rt. Hon. Sayid Javid MP, ......
The Member of the Society’s Planning Committee for Stanley Ward, Patrick Baty, wrote to RBKC as follows on 9th February 2017 : 158-168 Fulham ......
The planning application for a large basement under the old courthouse/old school at 1A Walton Street has been refused. The member of the Society’s Planning Committee ......
It is with great sadness that we report the death of David Le Lay on 17th January 2017. He was the ninth Chairman of the ......
BACK-STAGE VISIT TO THE ROYAL COURT THEATRE, SLOANE SQUARE A small group of members of The Chelsea Society were treated to a fascinating tour ......
We have so far arranged the following events for 2017, which will be the 90th Anniversary of the Society. Please put them in your ......
On Monday 30th October Councillor Elizabeth Campbell, the new Leader of the Council of RBKC addressed a well-attended meeting of the Society about her responsibilities ......
MEETING WITH RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATIONS On 25th September 2017 the Society held its annual meeting with the Residents’ Associations of Chelsea. This was a very ......
On 22nd May 2017 in the Small Hall at Chelsea Old Town Hall at 6.30pm, Councillor Warwick Lightfoot, Cabinet-member for Finance and Strategy at ......
On 10th April 2017 Mr. Graham Stallwood, Executive Director of Planning and Borough Development of RBKC, and Cllr. Tim Coleridge, Cabinet-member for Planning Policy ......