Colebrook Court – Sloane Avenue The Chelsea Society has submitted the following objection to Planning Application PP/22/01540: “The Chelsea Society exists to protect the ......
There will be a concert in memory of Chelsea Society member John Rendall, who died this year. The concert will be at The Chelsea ......
We are pleased to see that the setting of the cabmens’ shelter at Albert Bridge has been tidied up, and some planting has been ......
The Chelsea Society was founded on this day (1st April) 95 years ago, and now has 986 members. We also have 944 Followers on ......
Progress is being made to rebuild the Curzon cinema and the adjoining block of flats. Expected completion Autumn 2023...
We are pleased that Argyll House is being completely restored. The Society had supported the owner’s application for Listed Building consent, and we look forward ......
On Monday 25th April, more than 100 members of the Society heard a lecture by General Sir Adrian Bradshaw KCB OBE, former Deputy Supreme ......
Remembering our very successful walk around Chelsea with Guy Fairbank in October we have arranged another walk. It will be on Wed, 13th April ......
John Rendall, a member of The Chelsea Society and The Chelsea Arts Club, who lived at World’s End, and was an active supporter of ......
A member of The Chelsea Society, Brian Lott, has edited the diaries of his father, Lt. Col. Harry C. Lott MC, who led a ......