We were very sad to hear of the death of Hugh Krall on 26th April 2020. Hugh was: a member of the Council of ......
Queuing for food Shops closed Streets deserted Keeping the virus out! Buses empty With air pollution ......
Cadogan have issued a special edition of their Chelsea Neighbourhood News, giving details of the help they are providing during the Coronavirus epidemic. For ......
We had heard that RBKC intended to do non-emergency work on their housing estates during the epidemic. The Chelsea Society believes that this should ......
As advised by the Government, the Society has decided to postpone all meetings scheduled to take place before the end of May. See...
Cadogan Gardens 7.3.20...
SAVE THE ROYAL BROMPTON! We have heard that the Hospital may be moving south of the river, and we are campaigning to keep it ......
The Chairman of the Society’s Planning Committee, and the members of the Committee for Stanley Ward (L) and Royal Hospital Ward (R) visited the ......
The Sloane-Stanley Estate, who own the freehold of the old telephone exchange, invited the Chairman of the Society’s Planning Committee, and the Committee member ......