Visit to the Travellers Club – Saturday 24th September 2016 at 2.30 pm The original concept of The Travellers Club, founded in 1819, dates ......
After consultation with The Chelsea Arts Club, the cricket match has been postponed to next year. ...
After the huge success of the Guided Walk last year, we have managed to persuade Dr Fiona Haughey to return and take another group ......
Letter sent by the Chairman of the Planning Committee to RBKC on 11th July 2016 about Christ Church, Chelsea – PP/16/04188 as follows: “The Applicants ......
THE BUILDING This is an important building, which was intended to be the motor showroom for Harrods. We think that it is essential ......
On 20th May 2016 we wrote to the Executive Director of Planning and Borough Development at RBKC to say that it had become common for ......
We received the following letter from RBKC on 22nd July 2016: “In April of this year the planning regulations regarding launderettes changed. Whilst previously ......
As reported to the last Council meeting I have written to the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transport, at RBKC who has responded ......
On 13th June, following a meeting of the Planning Committee of the Society I wrote to the Cabinet Member for Planning at RBKC ......
On 20th May I wrote to the Executive Director of Planning and Borough Development at RBKC to say that it had become common for ......