There was a short service of remembrance at the War Memorial on Sloane Square on Sunday 10th November 2024 and then at Holy Trinity ......
The Chelsea Society is delighted that the 9th Earl Cadogan has agreed to be a Vice-president of the Society in the place of his ......
We heard a talk by Paul Davis, founder of PDP architects , who is best known for rebuilding the Duke of York Square, Saatchi ......
A tour of the House of Lords has been arranged for Chelsea Society members by kind permission of Viscount Trenchard. We will walk ......
Members may be interested in the Chelsea History Festival. A partnership between the National Army Museum, the Royal Hospital Chelsea and Chelsea Physic Garden, ......
At 8am on 10th August 2023 a truck crushed a female cyclist to death on Battersea Bridge. Also, at 6.30 am on 14th May ......
The Chelsea Society has expressed its concern to RBKC about the disruption caused to traffic in the Kings Road by two large construction sites, ......
(photo by Judy Totton) At Chelsea Old Town Hall, Kings Road SW3 6-8pm. Bill Wyman has worked in Chelsea on-and-off since joining the Rolling ......
A new Application (PP/23/00968) has been made for the redevelopment of this site, which has attracted more than 1,000 objectors. There is an article ......
Lt. Gen. Sir Simon Mayall will speak to the Society on Monday 27th November 2023 at the Chelsea Old Town Hall from 6-8pm on ......