In the 1960’s the rather bohemian character of Chelsea attracted entrepreneurs and designers like Mary Quant to the King’s Road, and it became – ......
On 19th July RBKC decided to acquire a long leasehold interest in 4 Hortensia Road SW10 to provide 31 flats as affordable housing for ......
Our 2017 Summer Party was rather special, and was attended by 120 members and their guests. As from 6.30 pm on Wednesday 5th July The ......
Paul Aitkenhead was brought up in a 17th century house in the Lancashire town of Mellor. His childhood prompted two of the great ......
Email from a resident adversely affected by the cumulative impact of several construction projects over a long period “Windows at the front of our properties ......
The Royal Borough’s Mayor, Councillor Elizabeth Rutherford, is hosting an evening at the Kensington Town Hall on Wednesday 10 May in support of her ......
Sir Paul Lever KCMG is a member of the Council of The Chelsea Society, and was HM Ambassador to Germany 1997– 2003. He ......
The Planning Application (PP/17/00583) to redevelop this site was granted on 20th April 2017 by 8 votes to 5 The Chelsea Society’s position is ......
2017 7th PWS Crawl...