We support the use of electric cars in Chelsea. Electric cars will need public and private charging points for their batteries. With regard to ......
The proposal to introduce privatisation into town planning will be considered in the House of Lords on Tuesday 26th January. Below you will see the ......
It is with great sadness that the Council reported the death of Leonard Holdsworth. He epitomised the true “man of Chelsea”, coming as he ......
Steeped in history and tradition, The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries was founded by Royal Charter in 1617 and is one of the few livery ......
60 Sloane Avenue was built by Harrods as their motor car showroom and workshop (at about the same time as the Michelin tyre depot ......
The Duke of Wellington at Apsley House by Alexander Allin 4th April 2016 Small Hall, Chelsea Old Town Hall, King’s Road, SW3 at ......
The History of The Chelsea Arts Club by Geoffrey Matthews The Chelsea Arts Club is an iconic part of Chelsea and its history is ......
Five Things Whistler Did For Artists by David Le Lay James McNeill Whistler was not just one of the most outstanding painters of the ......
As the “Explore the Foreshore” event was such a success, we have asked Dr Fiona Haughey, a leading Thames archaeologist, who led the walk, ......
Colleagues, I am forwarding an email with details of a public meeting being held by the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) next ......