The Future of Chelsea The event will be held on Monday 2nd November from 6pm to 8pm at Chelsea Old Town Hall, King’s Road, SW3 ......
We are obviously concerned by reports in the press that the government is proposing to allow extra storeys to be built on existing houses ......
This is a test of the Social Diary feature now in place....
The Chelsea Society welcomes the 2015 decision of the High Court not to allow encroachment by development into communal open-space (at Courtfield Gardens). The ......
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The seventh in the series of ‘Ask Nick’ events is taking place on Thursday 9 July 2015. This is a great opportunity to ask ......
The Chelsea Society was advised by London Underground of its ideas for upgrading the station, and the Chairman of the Society’s Planning Committee, Michael ......
Patrick Baty, the Member of the Society’s Planning Committee for Stanley Ward has objected to this proposed development. He said: “As Terence Bendixson had ......
The Royal Hospital authorities are consulting on plans to repair or rebuild the cricket pavilion, which has been an attractive feature of Burton Court ......