Registered charity 276264

Earlier news

If you have some news you think would be of interest to our members get in touch.

A new school in Mallord St?
Published | 01/05/2019

The Chelsea Society has objected to a proposal to convert the old telephone exchange in Mallord Street into a school for more than 400 ...

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Buses – our objections succeed!
Published | 11/04/2019

  On 12th April 2019 Transport for London announced their decision on Routes 11, 19, and 22  “We have looked at these concerns [expressed by ...

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Pre-application Advice
Published | 09/04/2019

The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee of RBKC, Cllr. Malcolm Spalding, called a meeting on 8th April 2019 to examine whether changes need to ...

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William Fawke
Published | 06/04/2019

The Chelsea Society was represented by its Vice-chairman, Michael Stephen, at a Memorial Service to celebrate the life of William Fawke, a well-known Chelsea ...

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Old Town Hall Re-opened
Published | 02/04/2019

On 2nd April 2019 The Chelsea Society was represented by its Vice-chairman at the re-opening of Chelsea Old Town Hall by the Mayor of ...

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Charging for cost of ensuring compliance
Published | 26/03/2019

In June 2018 the Leadership Team at RBKC endorsed the principle of widening their current Code of Construction Practice.  Consultation on the draft widened ...

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Published | 12/03/2019

RBKC is preparing a “Statement of Community Involvement” and held a meeting on 1st March with interested parties to discuss how this should relate ...

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The Cadogan Hotel
Published | 03/02/2019

Members of the Council of the Chelsea Society attended a reception at The Cadogan Hotel on 29th January at the kind invitation of Viscount ...

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Published | 17/01/2019

In 1719, Chelsea land owners and tenants successfully challenged the decision of the Royal surveyors which denied them the use of the King’s private ...

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Heathrow Expansion
Published | 14/01/2019

Greg Hands MP has arranged a briefing by Heathrow airport on their expansion plans and flight-paths over London on Thursday 7 February between 18:30-20:00 ...

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