Registered charity 276264

Earlier news

If you have some news you think would be of interest to our members get in touch.

VE Day
Published | 10/05/2020

Remembering on the 75th Anniversary of VE Day the Americans who fought  with us, and died with us in Chelsea.

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Planning Committee
Published | 09/05/2020

The Chairman of the Society’s Planning Committee, Michael Stephen, has retired after five years. Michael is a Barrister. He was MP for Shoreham 1992-97 ...

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Hugh Krall
Published | 04/05/2020

We were very sad to hear of the death of Hugh Krall on 26th April 2020. Hugh was: a member of the Council of ...

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Wisteria in Chelsea – Spring 2020
Published | 19/04/2020


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Chelsea in Lockdown
Published | 19/04/2020

Queuing for food Shops closed         Streets deserted Keeping the virus out! Buses empty     With air pollution      ...

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Published | 11/04/2020

Cadogan have issued a special edition of their Chelsea Neighbourhood News, giving details of the help they are providing during the Coronavirus epidemic. For ...

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Published | 10/04/2020

We had heard that RBKC intended to do non-emergency work on their housing estates during the epidemic.  The Chelsea Society believes that this should ...

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Published | 17/03/2020

As advised by the Government, the Society has decided to postpone all meetings scheduled to take place before the end of May. See ...

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Published | 07/03/2020

Cadogan Gardens 7.3.20

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Published | 24/02/2020

SAVE THE ROYAL BROMPTON! We have heard that the Hospital may be moving south of the river, and we are campaigning to keep it ...

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