Registered charity 276264

Earlier news

If you have some news you think would be of interest to our members get in touch.

Planning Updates
Published | 13/03/2015

We have recently posted information regarding several planning issues on our current casework page – the first is the re-development of Sutton Dwellings by Michael Stephen, ...

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The trend for short-term letting has implications
Published | 19/02/2015

The trend for airbnb and other sites such as onefinestay is an excellent way to travel the world and to share each other’s way ...

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The Safer Neighbourhood Board
Published | 01/02/2015

Make your voice heard on crime, antisocial behaviour and policing in your neighbourhood by attending the next Safer Neighbourhood Board on Monday 9th February – ...

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The Cross Keys – opening soon
Published | 30/01/2015

We are delighted that the Cross Keys public house is due to open shortly. We will let you know the date when we have ...

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Council reminds owners of listed buildings of their responsibilities
Published | 13/01/2015

Listed buildings are special architecturally or historically. They are such an important part of our heritage that it is a crime to carry out ...

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Basement Developments – at last some good news
Published | 02/12/2014

  We had good news from Jonathan Bore from RBKC Planning and Borough Development earlier… “Dear All Great news – we have been successful ...

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Watching the ‘mansion tax’
Published | 02/12/2014

The Chelsea Society is closely watching the debate around the principle of taxing properties over £2m as its residents will be significantly affected. The ...

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Annual General Meeting
Published | 28/11/2014

The Annual General Meeting was an opportunity for members to gather, hear the Chairman’s annual review and to ask questions. As ever it was ...

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Winter edition of ‘newsforum’
Published | 24/11/2014

You can read the latest copy of newsforum here.

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Remembrance Day Services 2014 in Chelsea
Published | 28/10/2014

  ChristChurch Church, ChristChurch St Service commences at 10.55am please be seated by this time   Chelsea Old Church Service commences at 10.55am, please ...

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