Registered charity 276264
If you have some news you think would be of interest to our members get in touch.
In 1719, Chelsea land owners and tenants successfully challenged the decision of the Royal surveyors which denied them the use of the King’s private ...
Greg Hands MP has arranged a briefing by Heathrow airport on their expansion plans and flight-paths over London on Thursday 7 February between 18:30-20:00 ...
In response to residents’ concerns RBKC have published a draft code of conduct for Councillors and Officers when dealing with planning matters. The Chelsea ...
The Chelsea Society has commented as follows on the Conservation Area Appraisal to Mr. Graham Stallwood, Executive Director of Planning and Borough Development, ...
Congratulations to the Head Teacher, staff and pupils on being ranked first of all the state primary schools in England (Sunday Times 18.11.18 page ...
Chelsea Concert Series in 2019 Chelsea is home to many treasures more renowned around the world than in Chelsea itself. One such is the ...
OBJECTIONS There are five principal reasons for Objecting to this latest application covering Buildings G & H. First there is an excessive increase ...
The Society has decided to have a letters page on its website. If you have something interesting to say about Chelsea past or present ...
The Milner Street Area Residents’ Association (MISARA) is inaugurating an annual award for the ugliest new building in Chelsea, to be known as the ...
YOUR SOCIETY NEEDS YOU! We urgently need a Treasurer and a Secretary, who would be invited to join the Council of the Society. If ...