Registered charity 276264

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Marks & Spencer site
Published | 12/07/2024

The Chelsea Society and very many local people objected to this planning application, but two Chelsea members of the RBKC Planning Applications Committee abstained, ...

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Benches neglected
Published | 07/07/2024

    The benches on the Embankment are an important part of Chelsea’s riverside heritage but they were in an appalling state. If woodwork ...

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Ben Coleman MP
Published | 06/07/2024

The Chelsea Society welcomes Ben Coleman MP as the new Member of Parliament for Chelsea. He has accepted his appointment as an ex-officio Vice-President ...

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Greg Hands
Published | 06/07/2024

The Chairman of the Society has written to thank Greg Hands for his service to Chelsea whilst its MP, and for all the help ...

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The Royal Hospital
Published | 07/06/2024

The Chelsea Society was represented by its Chairman and Vice-chairman at the Founder’s Day parade at the Royal Hospital on 6th June 2024.  The ...

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Skyscraper proposal
Published | 03/06/2024

There is a proposal to build a 34-storey skyscraper at the south end of Battersea Bridge. This is what it would look like (with ...

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Sloane Sq
Published | 31/05/2024

The Society has been consulted by Cadogan and RBKC about the possible widening of pavements around the Square. Easing pedestrian congestion would be a ...

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Statue of Oscar Wilde
Published | 02/05/2024

Here is the bronze sculpture of Oscar Wilde by Sir Eduardo Paolozzi, which the church have allowed to be sited on Dovehouse Green, subject ...

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Ian Henderson B.E.M.
Published | 16/04/2024

Ian is a member of the Council of The Chelsea Society, and a former RBKC Councillor

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Mayor of Chelsea dies on Titanic
Published | 15/04/2024

On this day in April 1912 Christopher Head, Mayor of Chelsea 1909-1911, died in the sinking of the Titanic. He boarded the Titanic at ...

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