Registered charity 276264

Earlier news

If you have some news you think would be of interest to our members get in touch.

Pubs – nearly there.
Published | 23/11/2013

As an indication of how long it takes to get new policies through the process, the Council formally resolved to adopt the pubs policy ...

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Progress on the Local Plan
Published | 23/11/2013

  In the last edition we were looking forward to an early change in the Council’s Local Plan policies for basements and housing, as ...

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Changes to Ward Boundaries
Published | 23/11/2013

From time to time Local Government Boundary Commission reviews ward boundaries with the intention of ensuring that the number of electors per Councillor is ...

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Advertphone Appeals – a bad result for the King’s Road
Published | 23/11/2013

Over the last 15 years the Council has pursued a policy of driving up the quality of our streetscape. In the late 1990s, following ...

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Private Members’ Basement Bill
Published | 23/11/2013

Karen Buck, MP for Westminster North, has introduced a Private Member’s Bill to Parliament that is designed to strengthen the ability of local councils ...

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Broadband Cabinets Planted with Care?
Published | 23/11/2013

BT has been given itself permission to plonk an ugly steel broadband cabinet in front of the Arts and Crafts railings of J D ...

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Cadogan Estate
Published | 23/11/2013

The architectural competition for the café at the Duke of York’s Square was won by NEX last December, who have been working up the ...

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Carlyle School Car Park – Hortensia Road
Published | 23/11/2013

A mix of privately-rented houses and flats will be built by Grainger plc, in collaboration with the Borough Council, on the school car park ...

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Old Postal Sorting Office
Published | 22/11/2013

Various proposals to turn the Chelsea Manor Street postal sorting office into flats have come and gone. Now one is in prospect that could ...

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Thames Sewage Tunnels
Published | 22/11/2013

Two major projects are planned to improve the flow of sewage to the treatment facilities, and to prevent the discharge of sewage into the ...

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